Saturday, January 9, 2010


Can you believe it? It's 2010. Feels like we are catching up with Star Trek. I loved that show as a kid, one of the few things my brothers and I agreed on. Gilligan's Island was great too, but that conversation only stands to give away my age.
Let's talk about resolutions for 2010.

Confession, I am the world's worst (really should say, best) procrastinator. Ideas---- I have a billion... but following through and making them a reality,... not so many. So, this year, after watching Julie & Julia, I decided to start a blog with some Accountability Partners for motivation. Somehow, knowing someone is counting on me to get it done, is just the motivation I need to accomplish just about any task. Otherwise, it's, "tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow". I bet this resonates with a few of you. So.............. Here is the RESOLUTION:

50 Projects or tutorials for the year 2010.
Not necessarily, an easy task.... but all I have to do is:
DREAM it, DESIGN it, and DO it.
Whoa! I hope my accountability partners are up to it. I will need lots of comments, suggestions, and encouragement to keep the steam puffing along.

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